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莫迪选举大胜 对中国是好事?四个信号不正常

最重要的是,单纯解决双边贸易逆差并没有触及到长久威胁两国局势的结构性问题(the fixation on the bilateral trade deficit fails to address the structural issues that threaten lasting tensions between the two nations)。


Market access is at the top of that list — the opportunity of multinational corporations in both nations to invest freely in each other's markets. The US claims that China's joint venture requirements imposed on such investments is a recipe for forced technology transfer.


As highlighted in the March 2018 Section 301 report of the US Trade Representative (USTR), this charge has become the poster child of the US-China dispute and the foundational evidence for Trump’s tariffs. This has occurred despite the fact that the USTR admits (on page 19 of the March 2018 report) that there is no direct evidence to support the allegation that technology transfer is forced by joint ventures that represent voluntary agreements between US and Chinese partners. Once again, the false narrative apparently matters more than fact-based analytics.
